Bridal Showers & Baby Showers

August 26 2008, 8:41 PM

If you are in search of a beautiful venue that gives a intimate atmosphere, look no further.  We can assist you in having themed showers for bride or baby.  Give you tips in how to decorate, but to be honest BCCH is a place so beautiful you don't need much.  For more information and to book a shower contact us at or call Moe at 773/548-7555.

Posted in Various Shower Ideas


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Book Early For The Holidays

August 25 2008, 3:11 PM

The Holiday season is fastly approaching us.  Have you and your family, friends, or co-workers decided where you all plan on hosting the Holiday festivities?  Check out the Bronzeville Community Club House.

Call to inquire about our other event specials too at: 773-548-7555. Ask for Moe.

Posted in Event Sales Book Early For Christmas


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Last update Aug 26, 2008